June 27, 2023

Using Instagram to Promote Your Startup Business

Reaching its 10 year anniversary on the 6th of October in 2020, one of the fastest-growing social media platforms has certainly made the most of the decade by accumulating over a billion monthly active users, and becoming the 2nd most engaged network after Facebook.  We’ve already discussed why Social Media Marketing is the way to go, but in summary, you’d essentially be exactly where the people are looking- their mobile screens, and according to HubSpot; over 72% of Instagram users have purchased something they’ve seen on the platform. Seeing the potential of its platform, Instagram made alterations in its functions- finally creating fool-proof, effective marketing available for as little as nothing.  So we’ve taken the liberty of accumulating everything you should know about how marketing works on Instagram; considering both the app’s functionality and the psychological components.  Business Profile The days of using regular accounts for your business are gone; as the alterations mentioned before made it so that you can now open an Instagram Business Profile filled with useful tools that you can use for efficient SMM, and apart from that- they’re basically free! The Contact Button  This gives people the immediate option to contact your business upon visiting your page, taking away the hassle of having to turn to Google for its contact details. This minor improvement in convenience changes the disposition of the user, making the possibility of conversions more likely.  Scheduling Posts Even something as simple as posting has been optimized to become more convenient for businesses. With the ability to schedule posts, your Social Media Manager will no longer have to set reminders to manually post content at a certain time, and can just rely completely on automation. With the ability to link your social media accounts across multiple platforms like Facebook and Twitter to your Instagram, the need to post through each platform individually is removed.  Advertising  Truth be told, anyone can afford Instagram marketing, and that’s because it’s tailored to fit your budget, and won’t exceed it.   Apart from that, users no longer have to follow you to be able to see your content. With sponsored posts, Instagram will show your posts to users that seem like your suitable audience, and exclude anyone who seems otherwise. As it is with SMM, the ability to target your audience saves resources in comparison to conventional marketing, which has a lack thereof. Similar to its parent, Facebook, Instagram can narrow down your audience using anything from gender and interests to the model of their device- making sure that your content is only seen by potential customers.  From being able to display one piece of content at a time, Instagram now allows businesses to use multiple with Carousel advertising and stories that can feature up to 3 pieces of media at a time- expanding your room for creativity.  Shoppable Posts https://www.instagram.com/p/B60ClWdAQ8Y/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=12&wp=447&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fshiftxmedia.com&rp=%2Fusing-instagram-to-promote-your-startup-business%2F#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A3684.6999999284744%2C%22ls%22%3A2466.2999999523163%2C%22le%22%3A3137.0999999046326%7D Besides just showing consumers what you have to offer, you can now immediately direct them towards purchasing it. With Instagrams new “Shop” feature, all you have to do is simply curate a list of products which can be tagged in posts just like regular users, allowing your viewers to go through basic product details with just one tap. If consumers are interested in what they see, an additional tap is all it takes to lead them to your Instagram shop where they can browse, save items to look at later, share them with their friends, or be directed to the website where they can purchase it. Insights Knowing how your users interact with your existing posts is vital to understanding just how you should adjust your content to boost engagement.  Instagram insights allow you to see just how each one of your posts is doing through their reach and impressions, and even calculates how many times people have interacted with your account and visited your profile. This will tell you which posts are more likely to lead to conversions based on how their performance has led consumers to engage with them.  Additionally, you could also get a breakdown of your follower demographics according to gender, age and location- information that you could use to create more personalized content that can be catered to your audience to boost their engagement. Besides that, it also analyzes the times your followers are most active, telling you exactly when you should be posting. Combine this with the scheduled posting, and it’s near impossible to go wrong.  About The Algorithm Much to the displeasure of many users, and following in its parent’s, Facebook’s, controversial footsteps, Instagram too took the life-changing decision to disrupt the peace on the platform by changing the order of its posts from chronological to basing it off relevance. This means that the platform tries to justify which posts would be most relevant to the individual user, and push them to the top of their feed. While it still displays recent posts, this is mainly based on users’ previous interactions with you and their engagement with similar content. While this will not affect any sponsored content, it could affect all posts that are not boosted.  Stories When you think SMM has reached the pinnacle of convenience, it takes one step higher. With stories, you’ll be right at the top of Instagram users’ feeds, meaning they don’t have to scroll at all to find you, and all they have to do is tap once to see you in their automated lineup. Apart from sharing new content, with the ability to add posts from your feed to your story, you could also revive old content, and draw more attention to the new. Stories are also the ideal place to conduct Q&As and polls, which are great ways to get some insight directly from your followers regarding what they want to see from you. Features like countdowns also prove to be useful tools to keep your viewers on the edge of their seats and get them excited for things like new campaigns, products and more- experiment with your options. The days of directing

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Everything You Need to Know About Website Speed in 2020

Website speed is a measure of how fast your website loads once someone is directed to it; either by clicking a link or via typing out your URL. On average, a website takes about 22 seconds to fully load on a mobile and 9.3 seconds on a desktop.  The few seconds that pass when we wait for a site to load can feel short and insignificant, or they can feel endless and become the tipping point for your website’s performance, and the experience your users leave with. What a few seconds can do 1. To your Consumers  Seemingly ignoring the average time taken by a website to load, research shows that 53% of mobile users leave a page if the loading time exceeds 3 seconds- meaning more than half of your visitors decide to leave your page before even seeing it. This happens regardless of how popular your site may be- Google themselves experienced a 20% drop in traffic due to a miniscule fall in the website’s speed by 0.5 seconds.  The whole point of having a website is to generate organic web traffic to gain ROI, and in this fast paced world people are only willing to give you a few seconds to do this. Thus, keeping your loading time under 22 seconds would be ideal, but under 3 seconds would be perfect. Take any longer, and customers become irritable, and are more likely to switch to your competitors.  Besides that, bad news tends to spread fast; so one negative experience is bound to reach the rest. According to The White House office of Consumer Affairs- dissatisfied customers tend to tell 9-15 people about a negative experience, and some even go as far as telling 20 or more- all it takes is a single second to set your business up with a negative reputation. 2. To your Ranking Another important element that determines the traffic you generate is your visibility- which is affected by your ranking, and speed is now a ranking factor. Search engines like google understand consumers’ need for speed, and that faster websites provide better experiences. Therefore, they prioritize them and take it upon themselves to reward websites that load quickly by giving them a better ranking. A site that takes a long time to load is bound to have a high bounce rate; which is the rate at which people enter your site, but then go back to the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Research shows that there is a resultant increase in this rate by 113% as the loading time for a page increases from a mere 1-7 seconds. The search engine gathers that this is a negative response from the consumers, and thus causes your ranking to fall.  However, if your site appears to be providing positive customer satisfaction in these sectors, your ranking will be boosted. To find out more ways to improve your ranking, check out our article containing 5 Tips for Ranking First on Google. 3. To your Conversions Another goal when it comes to generating traffic is creating conversions- which occurs when visitors convert by completing desired actions; such as making a purchase, signing up for newsletters or filling out forms. However, if you are experiencing a loss in traffic or consumer satisfaction, then the probability of your conversions falling increases. Since we already know that slow websites are significant deterrents of traffic, it can be concluded that they also repel conversions. As shown above, millions of dollars in revenue are lost each year due to people abandoning their online shopping carts, and it is just a few seconds of waiting that make this difference. Thus, time is quite literally money, and for every miniscule amount by which the loading time for a website increases, a business will lose out on possible revenue. Now that you know what can happen in just a few seconds, take it upon yourself to test your own website’s speed and see if it needs any improvement. Website Testing Tools Timing your website with a stopwatch would prove to be unideal, so take to the internet to find tools that will do it for you, and tell you what’s slowing you down. While there are plenty out there, we’ve gathered the 3 most reliable ones below for your own perusal. 1. GTmetrix  This speed testing site is free, easy to use and very straight forward; all you have to do is enter your URL, and it shows you your results in a graded format so you can understand whether the feedback is negative or positive. The results are accurate and can be discernible even if you don’t know too much about the components that affect speed. Upon showing you your results, the site gives you the option of viewing the average- so you can see where you stand in the spectrum of things. Along with the issues, the site also provides suggestions on how to fix them. While the default testing location is set in Vancouver, Canada, you can change the location upon creating an account to see how your site performs in various target locations. The accounts comes in the silver, bronze, gold and custom plans. There are also options to change your browser, and simulate various types of connections and devices down to the model and resolution. These filters can be saved- avoiding the hassle of having to fill them in every time you need to test your website’s speed. The account also provides additional options of blocking out advertisements so you can observe how they affect your site, and even allows you to record your page as it loads; creating a video which you can rewatch at a slower pace to pinpoint any issues. 2. Pingdom Pingdom too is simple and easy to use, as well as understand. Its free speed test provides different testing locations, a grade breakdown of your results, and it lists out the issues with your site and helpfully pairs them with suggestions for improvements. The site also allows

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Restaurant Website Requirements and Features

If you’ve come here from our article on why your restaurant needs a website, you’re already informed on why you’re doing any of this- a clear vision of what you could accomplish could keep you from falling behind, or even being too excessive. With this in mind, it’s also important to understand that what would work for one restaurant may not work for the other.  We’ve put everything you should be thinking about when deciding what goes into your website into 4 categories: So let’s get into what your website needs! 1. Theme  Your website should be able to embody the essence of your restaurant- giving people a taste of what it’s like to dine with you from the comfort of, well, wherever they are.  Use your design and layout to set the ambience of your physical setting through a screen; from the colours and fonts you use to the style you write in- your content can say a lot about you.  Needless to say, one’s website for a fine dining restaurant should not be mistaken for that of a burger joint, and if such a thing occurs, well, one would be in dire need of a makeover. For example, the website of a casual setting could use warm colours to emit a relaxed atmosphere, heightened by the use of a conversing tone riddled with colloquialisms- light and friendly. On the other hand, the website of a high-end restaurant should exude class and elegance. Its content should maintain a formal tone- matched to the elegance of a colour scheme that isn’t a loud red and yellow like some of our favourite fast-food chains, but subtle neutrals that you wouldn’t associate with your Friday night cravings. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so make sure that your aesthetic will appeal to the people you’re trying to draw in. Tie it all together with consistency, and you’ve got yourself an effective theme. 2. Mobile Optimization Realistically, not everyone lugs their laptop around with them, and even if they do, it isn’t likely that they’ll pull it out to quickly lookup a restaurant when they could just slip out their phones and do the same thing. To support this is the fact that we are more likely to own a mobile phone as opposed to a laptop, and are more inclined towards using the convenient, already-in-your-back-pocket option while on the move- which, usually, we are.  Thus, with most of your potential customers being on their mobile devices, catering to their convenience makes sense. Not doing so would just irritate any visitors with the low loading speed and poor performance; basically handing them reasons to leave your site.  Inconvenience is not a good enough reason for someone to reject you- thus, you should invest in a more responsive design that will increase customer satisfaction. 3. Easy Navigation Think about how people have a tendency to get a little gluttonous at buffets, and eventually end up nauseated with a plate full of more food than they can eat. The same goes for websites; if you’ve included every feature available on your website just because you can, you’ve overserved.  Navigating through your website should not feel like trying to solve a Japanese puzzle box, as it’s unlikely that your customers will want to go through your winding, convoluted site when they’re already in the car. Although conventional web design may seem like the oppressor of creative expression, it provides a level of functionality that works well- which is why you’d still be able to navigate through a Russian website far enough to turn the language to English.  Keep your design simple, clear, and convenient. Give your users multiple options for navigation in the header and footer so they can get to wherever they need to be without having to start all over again each time. They should not be able to empathize with Ibn Battuta by the time they’ve found your menu. 4. SEO Having a website would be pointless if people could only find your restaurant through its name alone. You want to be able to appear as a suggestion as well, and in order to do this, the search engine needs to acquire information from your site relating to the query of the searcher. Make sure that when creating your content, you align your keywords with your restaurant’s distinguishable features- perhaps through its geographical location or niche, so when people search for things like “Italian places near me” or “Romantic restaurants”, your site pops up. To aid your SEO further, add your restaurant on other online directories- they’ll lead more people to your site, and make it easier for them to discover you. You could start out with a Google Business account and then move on to other directories such as TripAdvisor and Zomato. To delve a little deeper into this topic, check out our article on how SEO works. 5. Being Informative  Apart from the requirements aforementioned, we’ve compiled a list of features that many users would agree are vital to creating the ideal customer experience. Consider this your check-list, and markdown what improvements your site could be missing out on. Service Hours Tell customers your regular opening and closing hours, and let them know the days on which you won’t be available; whether that might be public holidays, religious festivals or even just Mondays. At the same time, you could also inform customers about your busiest hours so they know the right time to come to you. Additional information to include here would be a rough estimation of service time so customers can set their expectations for how long they’ll have to wait for their food. Menu Maintain a clear, updated menu on your website which includes pricing and tax charges, and avoid attaching it as PDF that requires downloading- instead, have it open in a new tab. Be informative and open about what goes into your dishes as some customers could have dietary requirements and restrictions, and knowing that they’ll have options to

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The Art of Business Storytelling

Storytelling has been around as long as communication; it has integrated itself into the lives of people and communities, and has grown from relying on mouth to mouth transactions to being just a click away. Today, stories can be told through anything- from images to campaigns. They have always played an integral part in the human life; even from the time of being a toddler. They teach morals, history, values and facts that have shaped us into the people we are today. With the technological advancements in the last few decades, and the importance of maintaining an image on social media; storytelling has become more significant than ever, especially in the global commercial hub. What is storytelling in a business? It is as simple as using a narrative to connect to an audience of consumers through your brand via shared values. Storytelling is the ability to capture the essence of a brand; how it’s driven, the non-material factors that make it unique, and the values that define it.  This technique of advertising allows consumers to connect with brands on a different, more personal level; creating an atmosphere of mutual values and opinions.  As the entrepreneur Ben Horowitz said; “a compelling story puts the company in motion”. Why do we do it? Research has proven that the human response to stories is more significant than to raw, unseasoned facts. Thus, telling a story is more likely to keep your customers interested. With less than 10 seconds to get a person’s attention in today’s world; it is important to create an attraction that will draw consumers in immediately, and stories are a great way to do it. They are known to trigger an emotional response in people; be it through an article, an image or a video- something graphs and tables cannot do. The rush of emotions from just a few impactful seconds could lead to making a purchase, or even an investment. A study done by Hubspot shows that the most shared advertisements rely greatly on their emotional content. Consumers are naturally more able to connect to stories; empathizing and relating to the characters and the plot, and research even shows that there is a direct link between empathy and commercial success. Thus, this vital tool is not just about profitability; it’s also about increasing your visibility, and creating an image for your brand. Besides that, the newly formed democratic nature of the internet has resulted in more consumers demanding that the companies that request their support deserve it; which is determined based on whether their efforts are making an impact or not.  Today, companies are expected to have a purpose and drive beyond profit; to be more human. Buying from the businesses that are supporting the right causes and doing more social work makes consumers feel that they too are helping through their own purchases; increasing the chances of gaining consumer loyalty.  With the high pressure that exists today to have eco-friendly, cruelty-free, vegan etc. products and to be supportive of diversity, consumers are setting the standards that they expect companies to follow. In return, companies can share their support with the world by sending out a message that they care about their consumers’ needs and wants, via their stories that portray it. How do we do it? We answer this question with one more; what is the lasting impression you’d want your consumers to have of you? The story you tell will determine how your brand is presented.  Content Use storytelling elements; characters, plots, settings, climaxes and conclusions. Whether they are real or fictional, they are much easier to follow and remember than statistics and facts, and can be used as bait to draw consumers in instead of forcing your product on to them. Keeping the content of your story simple is also an important measure to take; while it could be thought-provoking and have depth to it- consumers should be able to understand what is happening clearly. Themes Paul Ekman states that there are 6 basic emotions; happiness, anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and surprise. In making your story; you could choose which of these elements to focus on- the underlying consumer response unveiled by each one varies. Many companies want to be associated with positive emotions, and so stick to happiness and surprise. This could be through the use of touching, motivating stories, heartwarming situations, and even advertisements with comedic value.  As shown below, this popular technique can be seen in many Coca Cola advertisements; which frequently portray their product being shared between friends, lovers, siblings and parties- all of which instil in viewers the comforting feeling of developing relationships, and community.  Positive emotions can also be brought out through empowerment and embracing diversity. For instance, the brand Dove has had many of its campaigns go viral for their body positivity; challenging the unrealistic beauty standards that exist in the industry. Brands like Nike use stories that inspire viewers to conquer all obstacles; giving them an adrenaline rush by using inspirational people like Michael Jordan, partnered with climactic music and slow-motion edits; compelling people to buy a pair of shoes and be as free and great as the people who wear it in the story. As for the more negative emotions; companies tend to focus more on these when they want to press their audience to make a change. Although many companies don’t want to be associated with such feelings; the strength of these emotions are underestimated.  Here are a few examples; Chevrolet does this by using relationships and sad milestones in people’s lives; be it the death of a family member or pet- ending each commercial with the characters getting into a Chevy, either as a flashback or as a new beginning. Either way, it gives the audience the impression that the car will be with them from the beginning to the end- through thick and thin. People are temporary, but a Chevy is forever. Pedigree’s Adoption Drive advertisement shows its audience a heartbreaking video of

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